Mindfulness & Connection
Sun gave me the book ‘This book will MAKE YOU HAPPY’ back in 2019 before she moved back to Hong Kong.
The book helps you to reverse negative thoughts and emotions and become the best possible version of yourself.
The main topics in this book are about:
Challenge negative thoughts
Manage your emotions
Combat Anxiety
Set Meaningful Goals
Stop Procrastinating
Learn to Relax
I have asked her, why she bought this book at the first place and also why she decided to give it to me before she left.
First of all, I’ve always had an anxiety issue which I didn’t even realize for a long time that at times I suffered from panic attacks. On top of that, I was unhappy with my life due to my marriage - as you know - and on the back of the book cover was what I exactly needed so I ended up getting the book.
And when I met you, you probably were in the same state as I was and since the book helped me to learn to appreciate life and deal with negative vibes in life, I believed it’ll help you too 💕
Yoga with Dog